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24.09.2024, 10:52

HUF: NBH continues in cutting cycle – ING

The National Bank of Hungary is scheduled to meet today, ING’s FX strategist Frantisek Taborsky notes.

It is too early to go above 400 for EUR/HUF

“We expect a 25bp rate cut to 6.50% in line with market expectations. Even before the Fed's latest decision, we were leaning towards a 25bp cut at the September NBH meeting. Post-Fed, we see a non-negligible chance of a slight dovish shift in forward guidance, with the 6.00-6.25% range cited as a realistic target for the 2024 terminal rate.”

“The NBH will publish its latest set of macroeconomic projections for the main measures (GDP and inflation) alongside the interest rate decision, while the detailed September Inflation Report is due on 26 September. Given the downside surprise in second quarter GDP growth and the weaker-than-expected start to the third quarter, we expect a significant downward revision to the GDP forecast.”

“Almost since the beginning of this year we have been using the 390-400 trading range framework for EUR/HUF, which has worked very well. In recent months the space has probably narrowed to 392-400. While we see a move to the upper bound of the range, we think it is too early to go above 400. One of the reasons is a higher EUR/USD, which will dampen the pressure on HUF, but also a potentially hawkish NBH reversal if HUF comes under pressure.”

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